We are Jordan and Sara. Our family lives in the wonderful mid-west of the US. We love Jesus and enjoy sports, watching movies, playing outside and just hanging out together. Jordan and I both were homeschooled for a few years in our later school years and knew that we wanted to homeschool our kids from the start. We have four kiddos now and love getting to watch them grow and learn!
Andrew is our oldest son. He is 13 years old. He plays basketball, enjoys reading and playing on his xbox. His favorite subject to study in school is history.
Matthew is the middle boy. He is almost 10 years old. His favorite subject in school is math. He loves to draw, play on his Nintendo Switch and jump, bounce and flip on anything he is allowed to.
Ethan is the youngest boy at age 7 years old. He loves studying science in school. He is a good reader and enjoys running, playing outside, playing on his Nintendo Switch and figuring out how to do everything his older brothers do...but do it better!
Elizabeth (Ellie) is our surprise baby girl. She is 18 months old. She loves to watch her brothers play, run around, jump on the trampoline...pretty much anything! She is the happiest little girl whether she's crawling off to explore her surroundings or sitting on my lap playing patty-cake. She also has down syndrome that makes her extra special, extra snuggly and extra fun!